As I mentioned, I recently discovered the whereabouts of a few great new locations in Puerto Plata. What I realized is that andaring around in this city really requires motorcycles, motorcycles, and more motorcycles. I, for one, LOVE riding motoconchos. I know that they are beyond unsafe, but they are so quick, cheap, and convenient! Why, then, the reservations to motor all around town?? Note Exhibit A: my casco. Peace Corps requires that we wear helmets EVERY time we ride on a motor. In my community, however, helmets are a true rarity. There are hundreds and hundreds of motors, and maybe 2 or 3 guys who wear helmets. Plus, they are about one THIRD of the size of my monstruosity, and they definitely do not say "tough" right across the top. I am constantly questioned about my helmet...most of the kids think that since I have a helmet, I must OWN a motor. I brought my helmet out at a party and there was not one dominican who didn't laugh hysterically. When I rode home to my house the other day, I literally had a group of kids start cracking up when I rode by with my super-cool head gear. But, you just wait. I think I will be starting a trend. Soon the whole TOWN will want to be "tough" just like yours truly!