Semana Santa pretty much means lots of free time at the beach and lots of abichuelos con dulce. While sitting bored at Robin´s house on good Friday, we were invited by our good pals Frankley (Robin´s host brother), ¨Bam Bam¨, and BamBam´s brother..who doesn´t have a good apodo and his real name is too hard to remember...to go to the rio. After piling into the back of Frankley´s beat up truck, we flew down the road and ultimately ended up at Cano Hondo because there were ¨less people there¨...which still meant that it was full of dominicans drinking rum and swimming in the pools. Robin´s crazy host brother picked up one of the ducks that lives at the site and, as you can see, made good friends with him. On our way home, Bam Bam and his brother had us stop at their uncle´s really cool farm in the campo. The small farm had SO much stuff-coconut, bananas, tamarind, oranges, mangos, lemons, like four fruits I have never heard of, and, of course, sugar cane. After they uprooted 4 giant stalks of sugar cane, we all started breaking off hunks to chew on it. We also practiced peeling off the skin with our teeth..which is so much harder than it looks. But, honestly, where in Nueva York does anyone get the chance to fly around in the campo in a pickup truck eating sugar cane....priceless.

is one of these your novio? :-D
haha NO. one of them IS dating a mystery peace corps volunteer, however. and i also failed to mention that the persons in this photo appear much taller than actual size (e.g. right in your hight range! ) =)
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