Thursday, June 7, 2007

Top 5 Things I Have Learned in the DR

5.The United States is really called Nueva York. Therefore, I am from Chicago, which is located in Nueva York.
4. All languages that aren't Spanish must be English. This explains why I was given a very interesting novel...that is entirely in German.
3. "Gripe", or the flu, is caused by getting wet when it rains or by inhaling too much dust. It is completely unrelated to sharing the same cup, drinking from the same bottle, or passing around suckers from mouth to mouth.
2. Washing one's hair when one has a cold is the most ridiculously dangerous thing that he can do. The chemicals in the shampoo can cause pneumonia, so beware!
1. When one is very hot (after running, for example), he should NEVER open the refridgerator because the blast of cold air will give him Bell's Palsy.

Hope you all enjoyed your little lesson from the DR!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Oh, so you've learned those lessons too? I thought I was the only one. You are on your way here to the capital to hang out with me. Can't wait to see you! We are totally doing century club tonight! Ok, maybe not tonight! But soon and with your friends from the states!

Rock On!