Well, I FINALLY got my new apartment! I have been there for about three weeks now, and I completely love it. I thought that I would totally hate living alone, but it is really nice and quiet and I can read and do my crosswords in peace! I have told everyone, however, that I am still determined to acquire two VERY important items: a CAT and a radio! I get a little tired of listening to the merengue that the colmado plays ALL day long, so I would love to be able to blast some of my OWN, american music. And as for the cat, aside from the fact that I loooove animals, I definitely need my own personal cockroach killer. Since I have been in-country, I have woken up with cockroaches crawling on me FOUR times!! Now, this might seem that outrageous at first, but the probloem is that EVERY time, I was using a mosquitero!! I feel like it is officially their MISSION to get in and night and crawl all over me. My new house is definitely an improvement from my former residences, as I clean constantly, but the little devils still get in through the bathroom and I always leave the windows open (that have no screens). Much of my free time, as of late, has been dedicated to keeping these vermin out, or punishing those that enter (see photo). In any case, cockroach poison is high on my wish list!
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