Meet Frito. (Or "Frita" if it turns out to be a girl). Most of you know that I am a die-hard animal lover and have always been particularly fond of the feline sort. Generally, the more sick, desperate, and needy, the better...right? Well, in the DR I have surprised myself in many ways. And now I find myself wanting to throw this cat right back onto the street from whence it came. About 5 weeks ago, some little muchachos brought me the cat and told me that someone had killed its mother. It was SUPER tiny and really sick, so I decided to keep it in a box in my spare bedroom. A few hours later, they brought me its "sister," Catchu (how the say catsup). I had two baby kittens and had to BOTTLE feed them constantly. As a side note, I am never having children. Well, I suppose I can still adopt, but they will have to know how to feed themselves and be potty trained. Bottle-feedings are a nightmare. Anyway, pobre little Catchu got sick in the night and died one morning. Even though she drove me insane, I was really sad to see her go. Now it is just Frito and I. He whines ALL day long, chews on my fingers, has fleas that I have tried to kill with shampoo TWICE, pees on my floor, refuses to drink milk out of anything besides a bottle, and (I'm pretty sure) has parasites. Just a bundle of fun, huh? PLUS, I couldn't join Robyn in patronales because I was stuck at home being a surrogate cat mother! But, then again, he is a cute little scalywag, isn't he?!?! I just hope that he grows up to be big and strong and develops an appetite for cockroaches!!

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