This 4th of July, I think that I was more patriotic than I have ever been. And I don' t think that it would be much of a stretch to say that many of my Peace Corps peers have the same sentiments. As Dominicans don't exactly celebrate our beloved Independence Day, we volunteers joined the Peace Corps tradition of partying hardy on one of the most beautiful beaches on the southern coast (Bahia de las Aguilas). The best part, of course, was the transportation. This VERY remote beach requires a six hour trip from the capital to nearby city Pederales. From Pedernales, one has to hop in the back of a truck for about a good hour down one of the worst roads I have ever seen. The final stop: a beautiful boatride (complete with life jackets) through el mar caribe, ultimately arriving at this beautiful, isolated beach!
Kevin had the brilliant idea, however, of creating what he called a "The Kevin Inviational Party Bus." That's right, about 35 of us road the six...okay, so really it ended up being more like TEN hours from the capital to Pedernales. They somehow managed to acquire a KEG (the only one I have ever seen in this country) so that we could all drink our way down south. We sang horribly tacky American songs like the National Anthem and "I'm Proud to be an American" with more heart than is at all necessary. Perhaps we are just a bunch of drunken idiots but, then again, perhaps we have just learned to appreciate our native land of flushing toilets, hot showers, and paved roads.....that's right..."there ain't no doubt I love this laaaaaaaaaand, God Bless the U.S.A."!!!
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