Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Home Alone

So, my host mom and I had a really interesting communication breakdown the other day. She apparently had plans to go to visit her family in the campo this week (about a 4 day trip) and, without saying a WORD to me about it, apparently expected me to be ready and able to go. The probelm was, of course, that I have a JOB...which means I have to go to work and can't just leave to go sit in the middle of nowhere for four days. After quite a bit of battling, she finally decided that they should go the campo and leave me home...alone. I, of course, have no qualms about staying alone for a few days. The entire community, however, just about had a heart attack. My first day alone (Monday), I had THREE different people try to feed me lunch, but was ultimately dragged by my principal to dine with her and her brothers. The whole town apparently thinks that A. I am incapable of feeding myself and B. I will die if I go one day without rice and beans. My first NIGHT alone (also Monday), the whole town had apparently planned a sleepover for me...I couldn't of course, stay by MYSELF!! I mean I only have to LIVE alone for TWO years!!! Anyway, my project partner called me to ask when I was coming over to her house to stay the night. I politely declined, to which she replied that she, then, woudl come down to MY house to stay the night. After abour 5 minutes of explaining to her that I WASN't going to die, I finally got her to leave me alone and was able to have a quiet night...withOUT evangelical music! it was glorious.