Tuesday, April 3, 2007

When it Rains, it POURS!

Generally, the weather here in the DR is one of three things: hot, hot, or ridiculously hot. We recently discovered, however, that there is another special season here which I would pretty much describe as MONSOON. There was literally one day in which it poured, heavily, for about 3 to 4 hours straight. The streets were like RIVERS. All of the children, naturally, were running around in their underwear having a gay old time in the rain. I also have a picture of my little host brother riding his bicycle (homemade, of course) through the rain-filled sidewalk. Since the rain stopped internet service as well, we had nothing to do but go to the ice cream parlor...where we were ultimately trapped for TWO hours until we finally called Elisabeth for a bola to our houses (see picture of us totally thrilled). Also, the rain means that clothes can´t be washed, so Robyn and I spent about 5 days being bedraggled rats in dirty clothes. Gracias a Dios, the rain has sinced stopped and I feel cleaner than ever!

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